Privacy policy

Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of the information on this site belongs to Histonica (It will be used as "Histonica" in this text). Histonica  respects your right to privacy. This policy summarizes what types of personally identifiable information we can collect and how we can use that information. This policy also describes other important aspects of your privacy. The site visitor can visit the site pages without giving any personal information, get information about our services, access our corporate information, and also benefit from our other services on the site. On the other hand, there may be areas where you need to register in order to access some departments or to benefit from some services. In these areas, you may be asked to provide some personal information. All your passwords are kept in the coded area in order to prevent loss of information, unauthorized use of information and unauthorized modification on our site.Information such as e-mail address and postal address, telephone number are used only for the purpose of contact during the standard site membership of Histonica , e-newsletter subscription, and this information is only at the stage of becoming a customer. When visitors enter the form regarding their own initiative, they can be saved in the database. Personal information will be used for our users to log into the system and, when necessary, to verify the identity of the person. It is not possible for another member to access and change information about you. With the cancellation of membership, all your information registered in the system will be deleted. Histonica  undertakes not to sell the personal information collected in the standard procedure to third parties and / or institutions under any circumstances. In addition, Histonica  can provide the relevant authority if it has the information requested from Histonica  within any judicial investigation with documented research competence. somehow can not be held responsible. Sites whose internet address does not start with www.histonica are sites that are not affiliated with Histonica . By using this site, you indicate that you accept the Histonica  Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to make changes, additions or deletions to this policy at any time at our discretion. Your continued use of this website after changes in these terms and conditions means that you accept these changes. If you have any questions, concerns or comments about our privacy policy, you can contact us.